Budget Enacting Legislation


Strangely, neither the NY State Senate nor the Assembly have published a list of the legislation enacting the budget. Here is some of the enacting legislation. Please Tweet at @Reinventalbany if you have more links.

Capital Projects (S.6404D, A.9004D)

Education, Labor and Family Assistance (ELFA) (S.6406C, A.9006C)

State Operations (S.6400D, A.9000D)

Transportation, Economic Development and Environmental Conservation (TED) (S.6408C, A.9008C)

Public Protection and General Government (PPGG) (S.6405C, A.9005C)

Legislature and Judiciary Budget Bill (S.6401A, A.9001A)

Debt Budget Bill (Governor’s)

Aid to Localities (S.6403D, A.9003D)

Health and Mental Hygiene (S.6407C, A.9007C)

Revenue (S.6409C, A.9009C)