Group statement on fatally flawed ethics deal in budget

Governor and Legislature Failing to Create Credible Ethics Oversight Body
Lack of Independence From the Electeds it is Supposed to Regulate
We believe the new ethics commission being proposed in the forthcoming state budget agreement is fatally flawed, and from the onset lacks the credibility to enforce state ethics laws without fear or favor.
New York’s elected leaders are missing an historic chance to create an independently appointed ethics commission free from the conflict of interest and political machinations that have made the Joint Commission on Public Ethics (JCOPE) a public embarrassment to the people of New York.
The cornerstone of real ethics enforcement for scandal-plagued New York State government is an ethics commission insulated from the elected officials it regulates. Not only does the budget agreement create a commission that is directly appointed by state leaders, it also creates a partisan commission that the Governor and legislative majority leaders can control.
We would much rather celebrate than criticize, but we reject the ethics commission being advanced in the budget as an obstacle to real reform. In sum:
“We urge legislators to OPPOSE this terribly flawed ethics commission proposal, voice their opposition, explain their opposition during a vote on the floor, and to go back and create the independent ethics commission that the Governor promised, and New Yorkers deserve. The ethics box is not checked, this is not the needed step forward.”