Reinvent Albany Thanks NYC Campaign Finance Board for Enforcement Open Data

New addition to City open data portal ensures that transparency for one is transparency for all

Reinvent Albany thanks the NYC Campaign Finance Board for publishing enforcement and campaign audit data in the City open data portal. We greatly appreciate the CFB’s ongoing commitment to transparency and their energetic work defending the integrity of the City’s public matching program.

In August 2023, Reinvent Albany sent the CFB a FOIL request for a machine-readable list of the violations and enforcement actions taken by the agency from the year 2000 to the present. The CFB provided this data in January 2024. On July 17, Reinvent Albany requested that CFB publish the data, which the agency then did on July 26.

Reinvent Albany has long advocated for a “disclose to one, disclose to all” amendment to the state Freedom of Information Law and as part of the long-stalled NYC OpenFOIL bill. “Disclose to all” would require New York government agencies to publish data and documents provided in response to a FOIL request, so that the entire public could see them. Until these laws are adopted, we hope CFB voluntarily incorporates such a policy into their process of continuous improvement, transparency, and accountability.