July 2, 2014
Lying Charge Against NY Lawmaker Shows Feds Won’t Relent
Law 360
June 27, 2014
Feds worried about city sewer funding, but not de Blasio
Capital New York
June 13, 2014
In New York, Open Government Visions Come Down to Nuts and Bolts
June 13, 2014
Despite Administration Launch, Legislators & Advocates Vow to Move Forward on Open FOIL
Gotham Gazette
June 9, 2014
NYC Council’s Freedom of Information Bill Draws Surprise Opposition
Epoch Times
June 9, 2014
At City Hall, Competing Visions of Open FOIL
Gotham Gazette
June 9, 2014
Report: Centralized Freedom of Information Website Can Save City $13 Million
Epoch Times
June 9, 2014
Report cites financial benefits of more transparency
Capital NY
May 29, 2014
Criminal Case Against Moreland Panel, Cuomo Highly Unlikely
Law 360
May 28, 2014
How proactive release of public records could help lower costs
Sunlight Foundation
May 19, 2014
Open source code helps governments share information with citizens
May 15, 2014
With Rules Reform, New York City Council Aims for Open API