Subsidy stories you may have missed


NY corporate giveaway news from this week:

  • Bloomberg explores the debate over whether or not the new 485-x tax break will spur housing construction. Hell Gate, as always, has some amusing commentary on the story.
  • The Investigative Post’s J. Dale Shoemaker talks about his recent report finding that Governor Hochul and Senator Schumer’s offices pressured federal regulators to approve environmental permits for the Genesee County Economic Development Center’s industrial park, STAMP (Capitol Pressroom). 
  • One of STAMP’s prospective anchor tenants, hydrogen fuel cell producer Plug Power, is having serious woes of its own. Despite receiving NY subsidies worth $270 million and huge federal support, Plug Power has been in financial free fall. Plug Power’s stock dropped 30% in June after Congress raised questions about a pending $1.66 billion federal loan (The Motley Fool).
  • Sewers for Micron – and prepping for expected growth – could cost Onondaga County more than $1 billion (Syracuse Post-Standard).

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