Reinvent Albany’s Must-Pass List of Transparency Bills

Senate and Assembly must quickly pass the same bills, end the stalling, and get open government moving in New York

Just over a week before the end of session, the Senate and Assembly can still pass much-needed transparency reforms – but the two houses need to talk to each other and pass the same bills. Year after year, the houses pass different transparency bills, and nothing gets done. Make 2024 the year that changes. The Senate and Assembly must work together to move these bills.

Five important FOIL, lobbying, and court reforms are close to passing, but each has only passed (or is close to passing) one house. We urge both the Senate and Assembly to pass the bills below, all of which are supported by many major government watchdog, transparency, and press groups:

  1. Report FOIL Activity (S8671-A (Hoylman-Sigal) / A9621-A (McDonald)) This bill is supported by Reinvent Albany, Citizens Union, Common Cause NY, League of Women Voters of New York State, NYPIRG, and Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press. This bill is on third reading in the Assembly.
  2. Strengthen FOIL Attorneys’ Fees (A5357-A (Steck) / S5801-A (Liu)) This bill is supported by Reinvent Albany, Common Cause NY, League of Women Voters of New York State, and NYPIRG. This bill passed the Senate.
  3. Reduce Agency FOIL Response Time (S8128 (Skoufis) / A8586 (Raga))This bill is on third reading in the Senate.
  4. Allow Cameras in Courtrooms (S160-A (Hoylman-Sigal) / A712-B (Weprin)) This bill passed the Senate.
  5. Disclosure of Lobbying for Appointed Officials (S7883 (Gianaris) / A8618 (McDonald)) This bill is supported by NYPIRG, Reinvent Albany, Citizens Union, Common Cause NY, and the League of Women Voters of New York State. This bill passed the Senate.