Gov. Cuomo’s List of Gov. Cuomo’s First Year Accomplishments

Yesterday, the governor’s staff gave a list of the Cuomo administration’s first year accomplishments to the Albany press corp.  The list isn’t on the governor’s website. Our copy is from Liz Benjamin’s State of Politics blog.


1. Closed $10 billion deficit and balanced the budget on time without raising taxes.
2. Cut taxes for middle class families with the lowest tax rate in 58 years.
3. Passed the State’s first-ever property tax cap.
4. Passed a comprehensive ethics reform package to restore integrity to State government.
5. Passed marriage equality to extend full marriage rights to same-sex couples.
6. Eliminated the onerous MTA payroll tax on 700,000 small business and self-employed taxpayers.
7. Redesigned State’s entire economic development and job creation system.
8. Enacted the strongest rent regulation changes in nearly 40 years for 1 million residents.
9. Reached landmark fiscally prudent agreements with the state’s two largest employee unions.
10. Secured 7,000 jobs in $4.4 billion tech investment by Intel, IBM, Global Foundries, TSMC, Samsung.
11. Passed the Power NY Act to invest in clean power and allow community input in siting plants.
12. Created the NYSUNY 2020 Challenge Grant Program making the State University of New York an engine of economic development with world-class centers of research and innovation.
13. Created two $250 million funds to incentivize school efficiency and student performance.
14. Directed a comprehensive, rapid, and targeted response to Hurricane Irene and Tropical Storm Lee, providing more than $100 million to help affected residents, towns and businesses recover.
15. Mounted 30 statewide New York Remembers´ exhibits for 10th anniversary of September 11th
16. Approved $286 million in development grants to create 16,000 new jobs and retain 45,000 existing jobs
17. Created $1 billion New York Works Agenda investment program to create jobs and rebuild infrastructure.
18. Restructured State’s Medicaid program achieving billions of dollars in savings.
19. Expedited State Capitol restoration achieving savings of $2.3 million
20. Eliminated Pay-to-Play in the State Pension Fund.
21. Launched “Help Your Neighbor” campaign generating holiday season donations to regionalfood banks.
22. Replaced flawed Power for Jobs program with Recharge NY´ low-cost power contracts for businesses.
23. Fought for and secured $354.4 million in federal high-speed rail funds.
24. Reduced electricity rates and prevented $300 million increase in New Yorkers’ annual electricity costs.
25. Expanded effort to grow minority/women-owned business contracts with state government.