Advocates Celebrate Sunshine Week by Streaming Assembly Committees’ Hearings


Citizens Union, along with Reinvent Albany and the NY Public Interest Research Group, are streaming the New York State Assembly’s committee hearings today. From the press release:

Good government advocates will use their smart phones to webcast assembly committee hearings to bring needed transparency and public access to the proceedings. Webcasting can be done with smart phones, which will demonstrate to the Assembly how easy and inexpensive it can be.

This week is Sunshine Week, a week devoted to showing that open government is good government.  The good government groups will highlight the need for the Assembly to make its committee meetings transparent and accessible to the public, press and advocates. Such a needed and fundamental reform enables New Yorkers to be more active participants in their democracy.

Read the rest of the press release here and see the webcasts here.

Or watch the press conference held in the State Capitol below.

Video streaming by Ustream