Assembly Should Pass LLC Transparency Act and Vote on Sammy’s Law to Give NYC Home Rule Over Speed Limits

With Extra Voting Days, the NYS Assembly Should:
Pass the LLC Transparency Act (already on the calendar)
and Vote on Sammy’s Law (deserves a full vote)
Priority Bills Will Boost Transparency of Corruption-Prone LLCs and
Give NYC Home Rule Over Its Own Speed Limits

The Assembly is due to return to Albany next week on Tuesday and Wednesday to complete unfinished business. We hope they get to work passing bills that boost transparency and give NYC home rule over setting its own speed limits.  

We strongly support these bills (memos of support linked below), and ask the Assembly to pass them when they return next week:

  1. LLC Transparency Act, A3484-B (Gallagher) / S995-B, (Hoylman-Sigal)

This bill will bring long-overdue transparency to New York’s Limited Liability Corporations (LLCs), which have been used to circumvent campaign finance law, launder money, and commit Medicaid and Medicare fraud, among numerous other crimes. Anonymous LLCs are a major corruption risk, and New Yorkers shouldn’t let the shell games continue. The bill is cosponsored by over 40 legislators, and is supported by a wide range of unions, watchdogs, and public policy groups, including the Hotel Trades Council and NY District Council of Carpenters.

Supporters of the LLC Transparency Act include:
Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers Local No. 1
Churches United for Fair Housing
Common Cause NY
Community Service Society
Fifth Avenue Committee and Neighbors Helping Neighbors
Financial Accountability and Corporate Transparency (FACT) Coalition
Hotel Trades Council
Housing Justice for All
Housing Rights Initiative
League of Women Voters of New York State
New York District Council of Carpenters
New York State Land Title Association
New York State Regional Conference of the Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers
North Atlantic States Regional Council of Carpenters
Office of the New York County District Attorney Alvin Bragg
Reinvent Albany
Strong Economy For All

  1. Sammy’s Law, Giving NYC Home Rule to Reduce Speed Limits to 20 mph, A7266 (Rosenthal, L.) / S2422 (Hoylman-Sigal)

The most basic job of the Legislature is to vote on the important issues of the day, including local issues that affect legislator’s constituents. Sammy’s Law is an important home rule bill that will allow New York City to set speed limits as low as 20 mph.

Sammy’s Law has already passed the Senate, and is supported by the Governor, Mayor, and City Council, and we urge the Assembly to bring the bill to a vote.

Regarding home rule issues generally, Reinvent Albany believes the state should grant localities permanent authority to:

  • Set maximum speed limits;
  • Create and operate automated traffic enforcement camera programs including hours of operation, number and type of cameras, locations and penalties;
  • Establish Residential Parking Permit programs; and
  • Use automated parking enforcement.