Reinvent Albany supports Resolution 646 (Ung), which calls on the State Legislature to pass a constitutional amendment moving municipal elections to even-numbered years.
We believe moving city elections to even years, to coincide with presidential and other federal elections, will significantly increase voter turnout and help build a more representative democracy. We concur with the December 2022 report by Citizens Union, “Moving Municipal Elections to Even-Numbered Years,” which estimates the switch to even years will double participation in NYC elections. We note that voter turnout for NYC general elections averages 29.5% versus 60.8% in presidential elections.
We ask the Committee on Governmental Operations to note Citizens Union’s estimate that moving municipal elections to presidential election years could increase turnout in majority-minority districts by 232%.Elections in odd-numbered years are a relic of the days of Boss Tweed and Tammany Hall. As Citizens Union notes, election years switched between odd- and even-numbered years four times between 1850 and 1894 as rival political factions pushed for the year that they thought would help them win.
It’s time to move NYC’s elections into the 21st century. We thank Councilmember Ung for sponsoring this resolution and urge this Committee and Council to pass it immediately.