Subsidy Sheet: NYS not doing much to make “Green” CHIPS green


Despite providing up to $5.5 billion in handouts, New York State isn’t doing much to ensure “Green” CHIPS are actually green, says the Times Union Editorial Board. They point to a provision letting companies that don’t hit annual emissions targets “pay their way out of it” by donating to a nonprofit to make up the difference. We’ve written before about how Green CHIPS are another form of greenwashing.

In other chip news, NYT has a big story on Senator Chuck Schumer’s role in getting chip fabs to invest in New York.

Amazon has been slow to build its new Niagara warehouse despite receiving $123 million in tax breaks, the sixth most of any Amazon warehouse in the US (Investigative Post). On Wednesday, the Niagara County IDA gave Amazon a six-month extension to get to work. Buffalo News writes that Amazon has finally purchased the plot of land on which the warehouse will be built.

The Daily Gazette called for the state to reform Empire State Development, citing our new report, “Open ESD.”

If you got this from a friend, sign up here. Subsidy Sheet is written by Tom Speaker.

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