Applause for Smart Civic Tech In Gov. Cuomo’s SAGE Commission Report


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The final report from Governor Cuomo’s SAGE commission includes an impressive number of initiatives that harness Information Technology to improve how the state delivers services, increases accountability and transparency, and boosts efficiency. Overall, the report shows that the governor’s senior policymakers grasp the potential of Information Technology to transform state government, and vastly improve how government serves New Yorkers.

The report includes a section called “Building a Culture of Performance and Accountability,” which includes a number of innovative ideas, including two that Reinvent Albany has championed:

1. NY Performs is a web based performance management system for all major agencies and authorities, will be launched publicly by the end of 2013. NY Performs takes Key Performance Indicators from state agencies and displays them in a graphic dashboard format.

2. Open New York, includes initiatives, like open data, that increase transparency and expand access to State government services, records and data.

We will have more detailed posts on New York Performs and Open New York in the days ahead.


Technology Highlights from the SAGE Final Report

Open Government

● NY Performs, three-tiered performance management dashboard displaying Key Performance Indicators. Page 90.

● Open New York Initiative: increase access to data, reports, etc. in machine-readable and mappable formats. Page 100

● New York State is thinking about a Big Apps competition of their own. Page 101

Smarter Government Metrics

● OGS pilot program monitors GPS data in state vehicles to decrease costs. Page 18

● NY Performs, three-tiered performance management dashboard displaying Key Performance Indicators. Page 90.

Statewide Updating and Consolidation of IT Infrastructure and Systems 

● IT Transformation: major IT consolidation, new statewide management structure, IT staff, data centers, help desks, cluster CIOs page 60.

● Modernize State IT infrastructure by upgrading state data center. Page 60

● Replace analog phone networks with VOIP. Page 60.

● Standardize and consolidate email platforms from 4 platforms to 2 to 1. Page 60

● Implement enterprise-wide identity and access management for state software. Page 60

● Grants Contract Managements: enterprise-wide software, standardize applications, reporting and performance management methodology. Page 74

Expanded and Modernized Online Service

● Rent regulation system redesign; tenant interaction and rent registration. Page 65

● Workers compensation claims e-reporting and paperless tracking of workplace injuries. Page 66

● Major e-licensing push; 400 types of licenses and permits. Apply, track, and communicate electronically. Page 69

● Modernize DMV: reserve a place in line from the internet, prioritize customer inquiries in line, call-center improvements, modernize web sites to add functionality, automate tests. Page 69