Reinvent Albany State Bill Memos, 2025-2026

Assembly BillSenate BillRA PositionStatusIssueDescription (Links to Memo)
A551 (Pheffer Amato)OpposeIn CommitteeFact-Based Public InvestmentExempts police officers from congestion pricing tolls
S1356 (Skoufis)SupportPassed Senate, in Assembly CommitteeStrong DemocracyAuthorizes NY to share voter roll data with other states
A1228 (Seawright)S1035 (Myrie)SupportPassed Senate, in Assembly CommitteeStrong DemocracyMandates training for NY local elections commissioners and key staff
S843 (May)SupportPassed Senate, in Assembly CommitteeStrong DemocracyEstablishes minimum staffing levels for local boards of elections
S1087 (Mayer)SupportPassed Senate, in Assembly CommitteeStrong DemocracyMakes local elections commissioners full-time employees of their boards

Click here to view our bill memos from the 2023-2024 session.