Reports and Fact Sheets

Reinvent Albany regularly writes and publishes on issues and legislation relevant to our core mission. Below is a complete list of our reports, policy briefs, and memos.

October 2022 Empire State of Emergency: Overuse of Governor’s Emergency Powers Invites Abuse of Power and Corruption Recommends legislation to rein in emergency powers and restore oversight January 2021 Legislative FOIL: A Tale of Two Houses Covers legislative FOIL and the two houses' respective approaches, including recommendations on options for reform. August 2019 Who is the MTA Board? An analysis of the 2019 MTA Board finds that only 36% of voting board members live in NYC, versus 89% of riders. When additionally compared by age, income, and ethnicity, MTA board members are not like transit riders. Review of financial disclosures also finds conflicts of interest for board members. July 2019 Less Than 1 in 4 Campaign Donations to 19 NYS Senate Democratic Leaders Are From People in Their Districts An analysis of donations to NYS Democratic Leaders shows few donations from their constituents May 2019 Only 16% of Campaign Donations to Assembly Leadership Are From People in Their Districts An analysis of campaign contributions to Assembly leaders finds few are from constituents March 2019 Estimating the Costs of a Public Financing System in NYS The cost of a public financing system in NYS is $60 million annually October 2017 NYS Lobbying Transparency Undermined by Antiquated Technology & Irregular Reporting Lobbying transparency in NYS could be improved by modernizing JCOPE's database November 2015 State Integrity Investigation 2015 Corruption Risk Survey In 2015, NY State received a D- grade from the State Integrity Investigation based on the questions in this spreadsheet. February 2015 Serving Two Masters The New York State legislature should start fighting corruption by capping outside income, as Congress did decades ago (2015) May 2013 State Open Campaign System (SOCS) May 28, 2013 presentation of online tools for fairer, cleaner, more transparent New York State election campaigns. Easier Compliance, better oversight. by Reinvent Albany and technologists and election experts at the Open Campaign Working Group March 2011 Executive Orders Immediate Actions the Governor can take to make New York government more democratic, open and accountable (2010)